Sunday, June 2, 2019

Update on My Life

Today I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired partly because I have not been sleeping in my own bed...but it's for a good reason. my grandparents are here!!!!! hooray! I LOVE My grandma we call her Nannie and I LOVE my grandpa we call him Papa Chris. the other part I haven't been sleeping well is Izzy's first day of Immunotherapy is on Thursday and I am worried ☹️.  I have pollen allergies and we live in one of the worst places to live for that so... IT'S TERRIBLE! My poor eye turned black and blue just because of allergies and I was at a sleepover my friend and I could not play outside the whole time! *Makes upset face* Anyways enough with the allergies. Nikki and I might go home with my grandparents for a few days to give my mom and Izzy a break this is gonna be a tough week for them. OH and another thing. so in my stories, you might have notest that when Sumo first meets Athoon and Dulack they both have an accent and later they both don't? That because I decided that I didn't like writing in it (To much work) so thats whats goin on there😏. ouuuch, my back hurts... umm...that was out of no were...😢TTYL!!-Myla♡ ...ouch... 


  1. Glad to hear some more about what's going on.☺

  2. Love you so much, M.J.! Love the last part of this post <3 <3 <3
