Friday, June 21, 2019

I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hay, I'm back!

I am glad to be back. wow a lot has happened since I was gone! um, I'll start the day i left. so...I woke up at 5:45 A.M (I'm an early bird...though lately i have bean sleeping interesting *makes pondering face*... um sorry got a little bit distracted (as i often do 😳) so anyway I got up at 5:45 A.M helped Nannie get every thing in the car, woke up Nikki...well half woke up Nikki.....she is a very VERY deep sleeper. then Nikki wasn't sure she wanted to go but she had to so Nannie sat in the- HOLY COW!! THAT IS THE CUTEST SPIDER I'VE EVER SEEN, IZZY COME LOOK A- aww its gone ☹️☹️ um where was I, oh yes, Nannie sat in the back seat with Nikki and i got to sit shotgun. woo hoo!  We stopped one time for breakfast, three times to get coffee, and like five times to use the restroom. We stopped one time for lunch and finally after 8 hours of sitting in the car enduring the hardships of little sisters watching, like, 8,000 Youtube videos and bickering over who gets to hold the phone, we FINALLY  got to my Nannie and Papa's house. so that was all one day. and all I was thinking the whole time I was writing this was - ouch my hands hurt ouch my hands hurt - and I am not gonna get the whole two weeks I was gone in one post. * laughs on the inside* I will post some more about  Life on Sunday

P.S My grammar is terrible on this so...sorry. also if you realized that this is a Friday post but i didn't post my story that's cuz I really wanted to post something about the two weeks I was gone so the next few days I'll be posting things about when I was gone :D :D :D :D :D :D 


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